Hiya everybody,
I was looking through Pintrest the other day and spotted a lot of cute marble bowls and wanted to make one of my own and a lot of the pins didn't explain how to do them so I thought you guys might be interested in them. You and you're friends could get together and make them.
What you need:
-4 different colours of baking clay, you want white a 3 variations of a colour
-a rolling pin (I couldn't find mine so I just made do with a glass jar)
-a clay knife/X-Acto knife (I don't own either of the two so a plastic knife works just fine)
-an object with a circular end
-an oven-safe dish or ramekin
-gold paint and a small paint brush (optional)
Step 1. start by cutting out pieces of your clay (cut double of the white), you can make them as big or small as you want them. You then want to proceed to roll them into sausage shapes (throwback to primary school art!)
Step 2. you then need to twist them all together into one big sausage! repeat this step a few times until it looks like they a starting to merge together if it doesn't look very merged then cut it in half and twist them together again
Step 3. make your sausage into a ball and roll it out with your rolling pin or jar, you don't want it to be too thick or too thin so make it just a few mm thick. if you don't like how it looks then just simply cut it in half make each half into a sausage and repeat step 2 and 3 until you like how it looks
Step 4. now you want to place your object with the cylindrical end on a bit of the clay you like the look of and cut out a circle
Step 5. then you want to place it into a oven safe bowl you like the shape of and bake it
follow the instructions on the pack of clay you got make sure you use oven gloves to get it out because it become very hot (trust me I learnt the hard way!!)
Step 6. (Optional) once its cool add gold paint around the edges of your dish to jazz it up a little!
Once that's dry you're finished just place it somewhere in your room I put mine on my bedside table and you can put anything in it depending on how deep you made it. I put in my jewellery that I have been wearing that day and any grips I take out before I go to sleep.
top tips
-leave your dish to cool in the oven so it can finish hardening
-if you have leftover marbled clay don't throw it away, I made this cute mini garland out of mine but you can make anything you want!
-you could use the gold paint and write your initials on the bowl, a tribal pattern or any other design you can think of
-if you want to paint to be really well sealed then paint a layer of clear nail polish over it (make sure it's dry so you don't ruin your nail polish though)
-you don't have to make a bowl you could make a little ornament, a coaster, a pen pot there are endless possibilities just get creative!
-double the amount of clay I used and make two, one for yourself and one for a friend
-store any clay you didn't use in cling film so it doesn't dry out
I hope you liked today's post and give it a go yourself,
Charlotte x