Hello everyone,
today I thought I'd share with you some of my 5 top tips to do with finance and how to spend your money wisely so without any further ado lets get straight into it:
Plan out spending your money; so work out how much money you have at the time and then workout what you need for essential things like food and then you can see how much you've got left and think about what you have coming up before you allow yourself to go on a shopping spree.
2. Budget
You need to budget your money but it needs to be sensible otherwise it won't work. Calculate how much money you actually need in that situation and then take just that amount with you. For example if you're going out for a meal look up the menu online first and see the prices and work out how much the meal is going to cost and then just take that amount with you.
3. Think
When you're about to buy something whether it be online or in-store you need to stop and think. Ask yourself these three questions:
- Do you really like it?
- Do you actually need it?
- Can you afford it?
and if the answer is yes to all of those questions then go ahead a buy the item but if the answer is not yes to all of those question then don't buy it! This way you won't be wasting your money, buying silly things or spending money you haven't got.
4. Save
Try and save your money. Now you can do this in a few different ways you can just simply put a large sum money to one side but that can be quite hard to do so try either just saving all of your coppers you get in your purse or if you are saving for a specific reason then try just saving one coin for example 20p you'd be surprised how much money you can save up if you just take any 20p coins you have out of your purse every night.
If you don't have anything in particular you're saving for then still try and save. It's always good to be saving because you never know when you might need to buy something expensive or then when you do see something you want you are already a bit of the way there to getting it.
5. Re-use
You don't want to waste your money and spend it on things you don't need so try to re-use things and not buy things until you actually need them; so before you buy something think have I already got something similar I could use. Also look around your house because you'll be surprised how much stuff you own and what you have that could be used for something practical.
I hope todays post has been helpful if you've got any other tips then leave them in the comments, see you on Monday,
Charlotte x