Tuesday, 19 May 2015

A Quick Update...

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to right this quick blogpost just to update you guys on what's going on. So you may have noticed that the last few blogposts I've written haven't really been that well written and have been sort of not that good and not very long either and that's because I've been really busy. 
At my school we have a week of exams near the end of the year to assess how well you are doing in each subject some we have to do two exams in and that week is in a couple of weeks time so as you can imagine I am having to revise quite a lot of things! This next week we have spring bank which is a time when I would normally be writing a load more blogposts but instead I'm not going to write any as I really need to revise so I can hopefully get good grades (I wish!!) also even though I've obviously had the weekends (when I tend to post) I've been doing lots of things then; last weekend I had a sleepover for my friend Pippa's birthday, the weekend before I was at church all weekend so I've not really had chance to sit down and write a blogpost and take some really good pictures. I'm really sorry about my posts lately and I promise they will be back to scratch after my exams are over.

So in conclusion of that quite long and unnecessary ramble I won't be posting for the next couple of weeks
Charlotte x

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