Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Who I'm Loving | March 2016

Hey guys,
it's been a little while since I've done a who I'm loving post so I thought that I'd do one for you today so let's just get straight on into it:
I thought that I'd start with YouTubers that I've been loving and whose video I've really been enjoying watching; 

In terms of like sit down main channel vlogs I have recently found Saffron Barker who's videos I'm really enjoying watching and I'm really getting back into Gabriella's videos too.
I've also been really enjoying watching vloggers like Aspyn + Parker, PointlessBlogVlogs and OliWhiteVlogs. I think it's just because I'm quite a nosey person and like to know what ever ones doing and stuff like that and vlogs show a lot more into people lives. So actually let me know who your favourite  YouTube vlogger is in the comments.
Connor Franta's latest video and a few of his previous one have been really inspirational so go and watch some of them and I also really love his instagram as he's amazing at photography too.
Alex Aiono's covers are also incredible so if you haven't already then definitely go and check them out because he is so talented and has an amazing voice.

Now on to blogs; I've been liking FitSugar's posts on workouts and healthy tips and things, But I am still really loving Career Girl Daily and I think that's got to be my current favourite blog by far! Let me know what your favourite blog is at the minute by leaving a comment down below. If you follow me on Bloglovin' you can also see what specific posts I've been saving so if you're not already click the link in the sidebar to follow me.

I also thought that I would include some snapchats in this post as well because I've been getting really into watching peoples snapchat stories.
Anna Sacconejoly's (asacconejoly) story is like a short vlog she constantly posts to it and keeps you informed on what she is doing form morning till night. As well as hers I've also been loving Joe Sugg's (thatcherjoe) as he doesn't post loads but they are often funny and it brightens up my day when I'm looking at everyone's stories and then I click on his.

Right that's it for today's  post I'm travelling to Florida on Saturday but hopefully there should still be a post going up so see you then,
Charlotte x

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