Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Guide to Buying Winter Coats

Hey guys,

I know some of you might have been shocked when you read the title of this post but let's be realistic the time for buying our winter coats is being thrust upon us; and yes I do realise that we only just went into autumn or fall if your American. I do actually prefer fall to autumn but back to the point. Now I am quite fussy when it comes to coats; it has to look just right or I won't buy it.
-Make sure you try it on; don't just take it because it looks nice you need to try it on 
Next my style guide, a little guidance on what will flatter your figure best.
Apple-you should avoid puffed coats since they add bulk try to go for a coat that fits you snugly round the bust, a coat with a v-shaped neckline and falls below the waist line to the mid-thighs can give a slimming effect
I hope that this has helped you decide what style of coat to go for good luck coat shopping

So let's start with my top tips

-Think about what type of coat you want; think weather you want a fur coat, waterproof, thick coat, thin coat there are so many different styles so try and have some sort of idea of what you are looking for
-Try on a few styles; pick up a few different coats to try on then you can see which one suits you best
-Make sure you bear in mind the colour and pattern; think about your current wardrobe a coat with a bright, bold pattern will be trickier to mix and match with your wardrobe.

Pear-a coat that widens at the bottom will help balance out the width in the hips. Try and pick a coat that has a large collar or fur on the neck, it will draw people's attention upward.
Strawberry-a coat that hugs your upper body will help balance out your figure, try and opt for a coat with a single row of buttons rather than a double row. Also try and buy a cost with a small collar that is narrow and inconspicuous.
Hourglass-steer away from drop waists  and wide or baggy styles instead go for a cropped, fitted coat and maybe a belt to accentuate the waist.
Rectangle-try and pick a coat that will enhance your feminine shape, a tailored waist and flared bottom.
Next my top places to shop for coats
Now these are just places that I have seen when I was shopping or when I was browsing online I haven't actually bought my coat yet but I'm sure it won't be long before I have.

Charlotte x

Monday, 22 September 2014

A weekend in London

This weekend just gone I went on a school trip to London and I thought I would share some of the photos with you. So here is my photo diary of my trip to London.

We travelled down to London on Friday and stopped off at the services for lunch. 
Then we carried on to the hotel and had a quick change before heading off to Planet Hollywood for dinner.

Then we went off to see Matilda at the Cambridge Theatre; it was absolutely amazing and the actors were really good. The coach didn't get back to the hotel till about 11:30 so it was a late night.

On Saturday we went to the Tate Modern, Madame Tussaudes and we also went on a tour of London. We woke up early and headed straight to Tate Modern which is a modern art gallery in London;after that we walked down Southbank and had some lunch before walking to the National Theatre to meet our tour guide. 

On the way down we bumped into some people who were helping people gain self confidence. They gave us all a wrist band saying 'redeem you self esteem' and a ballon. You had to write one of you insecurities on the balloon and then we went to the end of the pier and let it go. 

After we'd done that and then met up with our tour guide we got back on the coach and went on a tour of London. Our tour guide, Mary told us about everything and we stopped off at Buckingham palace and tower bridge. We saw the Houses of Parliament, the London eye, Big Ben and lots of other iconic buildings.

Then we went to Madame Tussaudes which was amazing the wax model looked really good we had our photo taken with the royal family. After Madame Tussaudes we went to pizza express for tea before heading back to the hotel where we packed our bags and went to sleep.

On the Sunday we had get up early again, and we headed off to Thorpe Park straight after breakfast. It was really fun I'm not a massive rides person but I really enjoyed myself.
 We set off home at 3:00 and arrived home just after 7:00.

Charlotte x

Monday, 15 September 2014

Fitness Things...

Hello everybody,

Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while I've been quite busy with getting on top of homework and I've felt quite uninspired. Today's post is kind of not fashion related but it kind of is; well I suppose this post is kind of more on the fitness side but its important to stay fit and lead a healthy lifestyle. And to be quite honest with you I don't really know what this post is going to turn out like but lets just see where we end up. 

One of my new years resolutions was to be more body confident, I wasn't particularly unhappy with my shape or weight I just always compared my body to others, even my best friends because they are all really pretty and have gorgeous figures. I would always think to myself 'she's skinnier than me' 'her thighs are thinner than mine' and it was starting to get to me quite a bit so when 2014 rolled around I decided I needed to sort myself out. so I  wrote down as one of my new years resolutions to become more body confident. I didnt really do much about it in the first part of the year and then I joined the gym. My dad asked me if I wanted to join so I went for an induction to see what it was like and I really enjoyed it and ive been going there pretty much every weekend since and on some weekdays when it was the summer holidays. I started try to eat healthier during the summer holidays, I mean I didn't turn into a rabbit I just made simple changes like having a piece of fruit at breakfast and only allowing myself a maximum of one fizzy drink a day (I know that they're not good for you and I don't have them on a regular basis but when its the summer holidays I tend to drink quite a few a day and if I go out for a meal I will order lemonade but now I discovered the orange and passion fruit J2o and lets just say if you havent tryed it then your seriously missing out!) 

I  have found this really awesome community I like to call my 'pumpupfam' well the apps called pump up and its like a little family. On the app you can do all sorts; you can log an activity you did, create a work out, share a recipe for some healthy food and most importantly cheer people on. Everybody gives people tips and words of encouragement and my favourite feature is probably the custom workouts you say where you are, first you select how long you want to work out for, then put in if you have any equipment (you don't have to have any I don't!), select what area you want to work on, choose between toning and stamina and then it will create a work out for you. 

Another fitness app I love is Nike+ running. I have it on my iPod and I use it whenever I'm at the gym or going on a long walk and it records how far you've gone and your pace and everything it also comes up with training plans so I used it to train for the 5k I did with a few friends earlier this year for breast cancer care.

I really recommend  both apps they have both helped me keep track of all the fitness related things I have done. Nike+ running has helped me improve my stamina and pump up has really helped me stay motivated. I use them loads and they are both free.

That's it for today I know it was a bit of a fitness ramble and basically me going on about fitness stuff but look forward to some fun posts this weekend as I'm going to London on a school trip. I'm so excited.

Charlotte x

Friday, 5 September 2014

My After School Routine-Back to School Week

Hello everybody,

So today is the last of my back to school posts and I know I said this was back to school week but their are only 5 days in a school week and plus I'm really busy this weekend. Anyway I thought I would do my after school routine. It tends to be the same every night but it can vary if I'm doing something or have to go somewhere. I arrive home after school at different times everyday; it depends whether my brother or I have any clubs on after school. So let's just get into it.

The first thing I like to do is get changed into something comfy. I usually just put on leggings, a jumper and of course my fluffy socks! 

Then i normally have my tea before doing my homework. 

I like to have a hot drink while I'm doing my homework . I'm not quite sure why but I just like to have one;
I also am one of those people who finds it quite hard to work in silence I much prefer to work in a noisy environment than a quiet one so I either put my headphones on, watch a show or turn the radio on.

After I've done my homework I like to go and watch some TV or something on BBC iPlayer before going upstairs to get ready for bed and Pack my bag if I have school the next day. Then I check social media before taking my gadgets down stairs and going back up to bed.

Night all of you lovely princesses,

Charlotte x

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Tips and Tricks for School Mornings-Back to School Week

Hey guys,

Today I thought I would share with you my tips and tricks so you can get up as late as possible but still have a good amount of time to get ready.

 So first I'm going to start out with things you can do the night before to help you get your beauty sleep and maximise your time in the morning .

1. Get your clothes out 

Now whether you wear a uniform like me or are lucky and get to wear your own clothes this will help you loads. I get out my uniform or if it's as non-uniform day I get out my outfit and put them on my beanbag so in the morning I know where everything is and don't have to go round searching for every bit of uniform.

2. Pack your bag the night before 

This is gonna help save you loads of time and also make sure you have all your books for the day ahead. I just look at my timetable when I get home and make sure I've done my homework for the next day then I place the books in my bag then all I have to do in the morning is put in my lunch and phone and I can get going straight out of the door.

3. Place your gadgets down stairs 

This might be quite a hard thing for some people so an alternative thing you can do is set yourself a time so say it was 10:00 so when it reached ten you put your phone down and go to sleep. You could even set an alarm on your phone so it would remind you.

Okay now some tips for in the morning to help you save time and wake up.

1. Plan out your lunch

Okay so I know it sound pretty basic but it will really help you and where possible prepare it the night before. So fill up your water bottle and make your sandwich and then leave them in the fridge over night then it will be all ready for the morning. You could also get out your crisps or cereal bar etc. and you can just leave them on the side next to your lunch bag.

2. Wake yourself up with water

When you wake up splash your face with cold water and this will really help you wake up. You could also have a shower but personally I have a bath or a shower the night before as my hair takes a long time to dry and I don't have time to use the hair dryer and I don't really like to use heat on my hair very often or for a long time so I let it dry naturally. 
3. Drink fruit juice 

Drink fruit juice also helps me to wake up and is one of my five a day! It's just really refreshing drink something cold in the morning.

That's just a few tips I have I hope these have helped you.

Charlotte x

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

What's in my School Bag-Back to School Week

Good Evening Everybody, 
Today was my first day back and I have just started Y9. So for today's back to school post I thought I'd show you what I carry in my school bag.

The first things I have in my bag are my phone, my iPod and if course my headphones. I always make sure I bring my headphones to school because we all have that one really nice teacher (my old maths teacher) that on rare occasions would let you listen to music and you don't want to be the one who can't listen to their music because they forgot them; trust me I've forgot them before and it wasn't fun! 

I have my planner which we are given at the beginning of each year and i write down all the homework I get and anything else important or that I need to remember. I also have my rough book; some of my teachers ask us to get them out if we're just doing some rough work or a game or something.      

Of course I have my pencil case. Check out yesterday's post to see how I made it. 
Next I have what I like to call my little beauty bag! In it I keep Hair bobbles, grips or bobby pins if your American, lip balm and tissues. I carry my tangle teaser with me as well.
I have my purse and my umbrella which I carry with me pretty much every where because I live in the rainy country people like to call England!
I have a water bottle and my lunch bag in my school bag as it's just easier to carry around all together.

 I also normally carry my books with me but we haven't got given them yet as I've only had two lessons today and neither of them required a book. 

So I'll see you tomorrow with another back to school post.

Charlotte x

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

DIY Pencil Case-Back to School Week


So today I'm going to do a DIY project, i hinted about this in yesterday's post.
You will need:

I'm going to show how to make your pencil case go from being plain and boring to being a cute and stylish one-of-a-kind pencil case that none of your class mates  will have; because I don't know about you but I hate it when everyone else has bought the same pencil case you have. Now let's get on and make your pencil case!
What you need:
~Newspaper or something to protect your work surface
~Hot Glue Gun 
~Spare Glue Sticks
~Ribbon or just anything that you want to put on your pencil case
~A Charm (optional)
~A Pencil Case
First you want to cover your work surface, then plug in your hot glue gun so it can be warming up.

Next you want to measure out your ribbon and cut two pieces, one for each side.
I then rounded the edges of the ribbon because the pencil case I was using had round corners.
Now you want to put a line of glue at the top of your pencil case and press the ribbon down on top of it. Don't forget to smooth it down! Because my ribbon is quite wide I applied another row of glue and secured the edges down. I also ended up using a little glue spreader to neaten up the edges where the glue had gone over the sides. 

Then i stuck down the other ribbon on the other side of the pencil case.
Remember to turn off and unplug your glue gun so it doesn't get to hot!
Now you can tie your charm on the zip of your pencil case. You could also get some thread and plait it and tie that on.
Now all that's left to do is put all of you pens and pencils in.

 That's it for today I hope you've had a good day and have enjoyed the start of the new school year if you went back to school today.

Charlotte x

Monday, 1 September 2014

School Supplies Haul-Back to school week


So this week I thought I would write a back-to-school post everyday since I go back to school on Wednesday and lots of other schools in England go back at sometime this week. 

So for today's post I thought I would do a haul only it's slightly different as it's a school supply haul. And yes I know it's not particularly to do with fashion but I like to buy colourful and stylish supplies so I thought I'd show you what I got for school and tell you where it's from. So without any further-a-do lets get into it. 

Pencil case-£1.99 from The Works
This pencil case is actually a bit brighter in real life and it's really nice. It hold plenty of pens, pencils, rulers etc. and I plan to do a bit of DIY on this to make it a bit more interesting you'll have to keep checking back this week to see what I do.
Ruler- from WHSmiths 
I can't remember the price for this and I have lost the receipt (typical me!) but it's really good I got the 15cm one beacus wits not often the I need a 30cm ruler and if I do I can just move the ruler along after I've drawn the first 15cm; and this one fits in my pencil case perfectly.

Sharpener and Rubber- from WHSmiths 
I don't know the exact price for this either but it wasn't expensive. I really like this because it had a cap on the rubber so it doesn't get all dirty in my pencil case and you don't have to go to the bin to use the sharpener either. Oh and it's also blue which is my favourite colour which is an extra bonus!
Colourful Pens- £4.65 from Ruddoks of Lincoln
I'm one of those people who learns better using colour. It just really helps me take in what written down when it's colour co-ordinated also it helps me keep on reading cause let's face it black and white just get boring after a while. I'm also pretty sure there's a name for that sort of learner but I can't remember what it is! Anyway I'm getting way of the point which is these are really good pens and they write really nicely. They're by the brand Staedtler.
Highlighters-£2.00 from Asda
The colour of these highlighters are really good to say they're Asda's own brand. The pack actually came with 12 highlighters, two of each colour; which I really like because then I can just keep the other six on my little desk area for when I highlighting notes at home.
Water Bottle-£1.50 from Asda
This is the baby to the mummy bottle I already own. I bought this one because the other one doesn't fit on my lunch bag and this little baby one does. The water bottle lasts a long time, the colour doesn't fade and they don't leak I really recommend this water bottle it's by the brand Sistema.
Shoes-£10.00 from Shoe Zone
I thought I would end with something to do with fashion; these are my new school shoes they are comfy and stylish at the same time, I really like the look of these on with the fabric like detail at the front.

That's everything I bought for back to school come back tomorrow for another back to school post.
Charlotte x