I know some of you might have been shocked when you read the title of this post but let's be realistic the time for buying our winter coats is being thrust upon us; and yes I do realise that we only just went into autumn or fall if your American. I do actually prefer fall to autumn but back to the point. Now I am quite fussy when it comes to coats; it has to look just right or I won't buy it.
-Make sure you try it on; don't just take it because it looks nice you need to try it on
Next my style guide, a little guidance on what will flatter your figure best.
Apple-you should avoid puffed coats since they add bulk try to go for a coat that fits you snugly round the bust, a coat with a v-shaped neckline and falls below the waist line to the mid-thighs can give a slimming effect
I hope that this has helped you decide what style of coat to go for good luck coat shopping
So let's start with my top tips
-Think about what type of coat you want; think weather you want a fur coat, waterproof, thick coat, thin coat there are so many different styles so try and have some sort of idea of what you are looking for
-Try on a few styles; pick up a few different coats to try on then you can see which one suits you best
-Make sure you bear in mind the colour and pattern; think about your current wardrobe a coat with a bright, bold pattern will be trickier to mix and match with your wardrobe.
Pear-a coat that widens at the bottom will help balance out the width in the hips. Try and pick a coat that has a large collar or fur on the neck, it will draw people's attention upward.
Strawberry-a coat that hugs your upper body will help balance out your figure, try and opt for a coat with a single row of buttons rather than a double row. Also try and buy a cost with a small collar that is narrow and inconspicuous.
Hourglass-steer away from drop waists and wide or baggy styles instead go for a cropped, fitted coat and maybe a belt to accentuate the waist.
Rectangle-try and pick a coat that will enhance your feminine shape, a tailored waist and flared bottom.
Next my top places to shop for coats
Now these are just places that I have seen when I was shopping or when I was browsing online I haven't actually bought my coat yet but I'm sure it won't be long before I have.
Charlotte x