Thursday, 4 September 2014

Tips and Tricks for School Mornings-Back to School Week

Hey guys,

Today I thought I would share with you my tips and tricks so you can get up as late as possible but still have a good amount of time to get ready.

 So first I'm going to start out with things you can do the night before to help you get your beauty sleep and maximise your time in the morning .

1. Get your clothes out 

Now whether you wear a uniform like me or are lucky and get to wear your own clothes this will help you loads. I get out my uniform or if it's as non-uniform day I get out my outfit and put them on my beanbag so in the morning I know where everything is and don't have to go round searching for every bit of uniform.

2. Pack your bag the night before 

This is gonna help save you loads of time and also make sure you have all your books for the day ahead. I just look at my timetable when I get home and make sure I've done my homework for the next day then I place the books in my bag then all I have to do in the morning is put in my lunch and phone and I can get going straight out of the door.

3. Place your gadgets down stairs 

This might be quite a hard thing for some people so an alternative thing you can do is set yourself a time so say it was 10:00 so when it reached ten you put your phone down and go to sleep. You could even set an alarm on your phone so it would remind you.

Okay now some tips for in the morning to help you save time and wake up.

1. Plan out your lunch

Okay so I know it sound pretty basic but it will really help you and where possible prepare it the night before. So fill up your water bottle and make your sandwich and then leave them in the fridge over night then it will be all ready for the morning. You could also get out your crisps or cereal bar etc. and you can just leave them on the side next to your lunch bag.

2. Wake yourself up with water

When you wake up splash your face with cold water and this will really help you wake up. You could also have a shower but personally I have a bath or a shower the night before as my hair takes a long time to dry and I don't have time to use the hair dryer and I don't really like to use heat on my hair very often or for a long time so I let it dry naturally. 
3. Drink fruit juice 

Drink fruit juice also helps me to wake up and is one of my five a day! It's just really refreshing drink something cold in the morning.

That's just a few tips I have I hope these have helped you.

Charlotte x

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