Monday, 15 September 2014

Fitness Things...

Hello everybody,

Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while I've been quite busy with getting on top of homework and I've felt quite uninspired. Today's post is kind of not fashion related but it kind of is; well I suppose this post is kind of more on the fitness side but its important to stay fit and lead a healthy lifestyle. And to be quite honest with you I don't really know what this post is going to turn out like but lets just see where we end up. 

One of my new years resolutions was to be more body confident, I wasn't particularly unhappy with my shape or weight I just always compared my body to others, even my best friends because they are all really pretty and have gorgeous figures. I would always think to myself 'she's skinnier than me' 'her thighs are thinner than mine' and it was starting to get to me quite a bit so when 2014 rolled around I decided I needed to sort myself out. so I  wrote down as one of my new years resolutions to become more body confident. I didnt really do much about it in the first part of the year and then I joined the gym. My dad asked me if I wanted to join so I went for an induction to see what it was like and I really enjoyed it and ive been going there pretty much every weekend since and on some weekdays when it was the summer holidays. I started try to eat healthier during the summer holidays, I mean I didn't turn into a rabbit I just made simple changes like having a piece of fruit at breakfast and only allowing myself a maximum of one fizzy drink a day (I know that they're not good for you and I don't have them on a regular basis but when its the summer holidays I tend to drink quite a few a day and if I go out for a meal I will order lemonade but now I discovered the orange and passion fruit J2o and lets just say if you havent tryed it then your seriously missing out!) 

I  have found this really awesome community I like to call my 'pumpupfam' well the apps called pump up and its like a little family. On the app you can do all sorts; you can log an activity you did, create a work out, share a recipe for some healthy food and most importantly cheer people on. Everybody gives people tips and words of encouragement and my favourite feature is probably the custom workouts you say where you are, first you select how long you want to work out for, then put in if you have any equipment (you don't have to have any I don't!), select what area you want to work on, choose between toning and stamina and then it will create a work out for you. 

Another fitness app I love is Nike+ running. I have it on my iPod and I use it whenever I'm at the gym or going on a long walk and it records how far you've gone and your pace and everything it also comes up with training plans so I used it to train for the 5k I did with a few friends earlier this year for breast cancer care.

I really recommend  both apps they have both helped me keep track of all the fitness related things I have done. Nike+ running has helped me improve my stamina and pump up has really helped me stay motivated. I use them loads and they are both free.

That's it for today I know it was a bit of a fitness ramble and basically me going on about fitness stuff but look forward to some fun posts this weekend as I'm going to London on a school trip. I'm so excited.

Charlotte x

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