Today was my first day back and I have just started Y9. So for today's back to school post I thought I'd show you what I carry in my school bag.
The first things I have in my bag are my phone, my iPod and if course my headphones. I always make sure I bring my headphones to school because we all have that one really nice teacher (my old maths teacher) that on rare occasions would let you listen to music and you don't want to be the one who can't listen to their music because they forgot them; trust me I've forgot them before and it wasn't fun!
I have my planner which we are given at the beginning of each year and i write down all the homework I get and anything else important or that I need to remember. I also have my rough book; some of my teachers ask us to get them out if we're just doing some rough work or a game or something.
Next I have what I like to call my little beauty bag! In it I keep Hair bobbles, grips or bobby pins if your American, lip balm and tissues. I carry my tangle teaser with me as well.
I have my purse and my umbrella which I carry with me pretty much every where because I live in the rainy country people like to call England!
I have a water bottle and my lunch bag in my school bag as it's just easier to carry around all together.
I also normally carry my books with me but we haven't got given them yet as I've only had two lessons today and neither of them required a book.
So I'll see you tomorrow with another back to school post.
Charlotte x
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