Friday, 5 September 2014

My After School Routine-Back to School Week

Hello everybody,

So today is the last of my back to school posts and I know I said this was back to school week but their are only 5 days in a school week and plus I'm really busy this weekend. Anyway I thought I would do my after school routine. It tends to be the same every night but it can vary if I'm doing something or have to go somewhere. I arrive home after school at different times everyday; it depends whether my brother or I have any clubs on after school. So let's just get into it.

The first thing I like to do is get changed into something comfy. I usually just put on leggings, a jumper and of course my fluffy socks! 

Then i normally have my tea before doing my homework. 

I like to have a hot drink while I'm doing my homework . I'm not quite sure why but I just like to have one;
I also am one of those people who finds it quite hard to work in silence I much prefer to work in a noisy environment than a quiet one so I either put my headphones on, watch a show or turn the radio on.

After I've done my homework I like to go and watch some TV or something on BBC iPlayer before going upstairs to get ready for bed and Pack my bag if I have school the next day. Then I check social media before taking my gadgets down stairs and going back up to bed.

Night all of you lovely princesses,

Charlotte x

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